My Allegorical Novel, The Spineless Porcupine, is Out!

The Spineless Porcupine is Available on eBook & Paperback

In this time of uncertainty and difficulty, I’ve put pen to paper and finished writing a book that I started seven years ago. It contains my deepest thoughts on love and belonging, a critical topic in our divisive times. To buy the eBook and paperback, click here.

The Spineless Porcupine is an allegory of my life that I believe many can relate with, especially with our current state of many feeling isolated, scared, and abandoned. From growing up rejected and ostracized for being the only “one of my kind,” to then going into the performative “circus” of being a commodity, to now living in the wilderness befriending communities that I once thought were my enemies–it’s a book that teaches us to see the good in people that we have been prejudiced against. For more on my story, check out this seven minute video about my life.

The lessons that I’ve learned through my incredible journey is that:

1) We aren’t made for the circus. 
2) We aren’t built for efficiency, productivity, and control.
3) We are built for love and belonging–love isn’t efficient, predictable and something we can control. 

Love and belonging are wild and untamed like who we were originally created to be.

I believe this message is especially relevant and poignant now in the discouraging times we’re living in. Fear is a terrible motivator and this Narnia-like fable takes us on a fantastical journey on how we can move from fear of rejection and not feeling good enough into unconditional love and acceptance. Another key lesson is around why it’s vital that we respect our “enemies” instead of fearing and attacking them.

Here’s the book’s description:

“This whimsical allegory about diversity and inclusion is emotionally honest in a way that sticks with you.” – Carin Taylor, Chief Diversity Officer at Workday

“If you could only choose one kind of life, what would you choose?” Pearson asked. “One with quills living like every other porcupine or one that’s trailblazing a new path in the vast wilderness?”

Mattie, the first porcupine born without any spines, is banished from her clan for being different. She’s quickly picked up by the circus due to her commercial potential. At first, she loves the attention, but soon an emptiness grows deep within. That’s when Pearson convinces her they belong in the wilderness instead of being enslaved under a ringmaster’s control.

Will her heartache finally end by escaping from the golden prison of performing, producing, and perfecting?

Follow Mattie and Pearson’s fantastical journey as they face their painful pasts only to discover their differences are their superpowers. It’s an unforgettably rare story that speaks to every age because it’s about what we all desire: to feel comfortable in our own skin.

To purchase your copy today, click here.